Monday, February 8, 2016

Get GREAT Abs With The Ab Carver Pro From Perfect Fitness

 It seems that a lot of people are fixated on having perfect abs. That is very hard to accomplish unless you have some help! The Ab Carver Pro will allow you to get the most "ripped" abs possible.

It will also "carve" your core and help you get awesome sculpted arms too! It comes with a digital workout program that is GREAT for any and all fitness levels.

The Ab Carver is a very well made piece of fitness workout machinery. You have to see it and try it to believe the results. Get the Ab Carver pro and the 21 day digital workout plan today!

 Thanks For Reading,

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Want Total Fitness and Fat Loss? Try Cross Training


When people think of fitness and fat they usually don't think of these things correctly. Especially the fat part of the equation.
You can have your weight just about perfect for your height, but that doesn't mean you are fit and not fat. It is the fat content
of your weight that decides that. You might have 20% body fat and less muscle. This means you are overweight.
 I will tell you how cross training can reverse those numbers.

Now, some fat is needed for your body. It protects vital organs, insulation for you when it is cold out, and can be burned
 by your body for energy when needed. So, a bit of fat is good. An excess amount of fat is very bad and can lead to many problems.
 Excess fat has been linked to diabetes (along with a bad diet), gout, high blood pressure, gallbladder issues, and worst of all,
 coronary artery disease and clogged arteries. This will lead to a major heart attack down the road.

One way to avoid excess fat is with a good diet, of course. Plenty of raw fruits and lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, fish,
 and lower fat content beef. You need the calories, in your diet, to burn for energy. As you get older you need a lesser amount
 of calories to function unless you are cross training or working out a lot. A rule of thumb is for every 3500 calories you take in,
 unless you burn it off, is worth a pound of fat. A Big Mac is almost a thousand calories. It won't take long to go way past 3500.

 The only way to keep those pounds off is either to eat like a bird or exercise and workout to burn them. The more exercise,
the more you can eat what you like. Exercise does not have to be this hard, painful, and sweaty experience. If you workout
this way, you will not keep it up. It won't be fun and you will quit.

 The answer to this exercise issue is cross training. It help keep exercise time fresh and not boring. It keeps you interested
and having fun. You add some cross training exercises to your normal workout to keep it a bit diverse and fresh. If you are a lifter,
cross training will help save on your muscles and possible muscle damage or injury by having you do something
different and fun besides lifting weights.

The 3 most common cross training activities that people choose are swimming,brisk walking or jogging, and bicycling.
I choose bike riding because I enjoy it, I can cover and see a lot of new territory, and it is low impact on the knee joints.
To start, whatever one or ones you choose, you start at a certain distance and then extend that out as you get in better shape.

Cross training, like cardio training, builds up your endurance, your lungs, works your heart and makes it stronger,
keeps the cholesterol out of your arteries, and it burns tons of calories.

After I ride, I treat myself to an ice cream or a couple of beers. I don't worry about the calories. Here are the 3 main benefits of cross training:

1. Increases your endurance,beneficial to your heart and lungs and arteries. It is also said that it increases your relaxation level lowering blood pressure too.

2. The muscles you do use depending on the form of cross training you do, strengthens them also. Gives you more definition of your muscles and helps you to lose fat and get leaner.

3. All the different methods of cross training are very low impact on your joints. They will cause very little if any aches, pains, or injuries.

In conclusion,cross training has so many benefits and no drawbacks at all. I incorporated it into my exercise routine and enjoy it quite a bit. I think you would also. I hope you include this in
your fitness workouts!

Thanks For Reading,

Monday, February 1, 2016


Yes, it is true, you can work out the wrong way! When you do this, it really slows any progress you might be making.
There are beneficial ways to workout, and there are dead wrong ways. I am going to let you in on some right ways for
certain muscle groups. Working out properly is a continual learning adventure. Embrace it.

1.There seems to be some misconceptions about cardio training versus weight lifting or bodybuilding. cardio training
does NOT work against any chance of building muscle. One thing cardio does very well is help you rebound and rebuild
the muscle you tore down weightlifting by carrying a lot more oxygen and vital nutrients in your blood to those muscle tissues.
The rebuild far faster. Weight training alone will not help much with your cardio vascular system. Don't forget the cardio part of your workout.

2. Getting maximum growth for your arm muscles, triceps and biceps, is usually another muscle group that is not
worked on properly. Most guys that are trying to build the arms up, way over train them. The arm muscles, compared
to some other muscle groups, are not that big. Not compared to the legs, back, chest, etc. so they do not need the massive
amounts of training effort that go into them by most men. Over training them will just stunt the growth. With the arm muscles,
 less is more. Save the hard training for the bigger muscles.

3. Do not take any fitness advice from a person or trainer that is saying that it is good to enhance your workouts
with drugs. It is not good. You should know that. Natural body building will always be the best and safest route.
Dovetailing with this is all the supplements out there that supposedly increase your muscles faster. Stick with
good nutrition and basic supplements like vitamins, protein, and possibly creatine. All of those ads you see for
supplements in the fitness magazines are there because they paid a ton of money to have them there,
not because they work, which leads me to number 4.

4. If you read a lot of weightlifting magazines and such, bear in mind, they take a lot of money from the
advertisers for their ads. It doesn't mean they endorse the products being advertised. You might be being
led astray as to how well something works. Also, a lot of the articles that are supposedly written by a well
known bodybuilder are sometimes just using their name with permission. They aren't really written by the
bodybuilder themselves. This can cause people to try some of the workouts thinking they are great and
they really are not good at all.

5. Your focus should always be on getting stronger. Start lifting smaller amounts and keep working your way up.
A strength training program is a bit different than a bodybuilding program. It is a bit more than I care to get into right now.
If you are working out at a gym, consult the trainers there about a strength program. The muscles will grow naturally
from there. if you try to just lift lift lift, as much as you can, it won't work out well for you building muscle. In fact it may even hurt you.

There are 5 tips that I hope will open your eyes a bit and help you out. There are a few great bodybuilding programs and
weight loss programs online that have been around and tried and trusted for years. If you work out at home, I suggest
you do your research and get one and try it out instead of all the articles in muscle building magazines or listening to
muscle builders that try and get you on steroids or something else in the drug family.

Thanks For Reading,

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Home Gym Workout machines Are The way To Go - Here is Gold Gym's XR55

 For a complete home gym you need to see this Gold's Gym XR55 model home gym. It is truly an all-in-one body shaper, muscle building, and body sculpting home gym!

You get over 300 lbs. of resistance, leg shaper, lat bar, and so much more. It is a 5 star rated home gym for a very smaill price!

Instead of spending a ton of money for gym memberships and deal with the crowds, you can get it all in the comfort of your home. I hate dealing crowds and now I don't have to. I have a Gold's Home Gym. The XR55!

 Thanks For Reading,

Friday, January 29, 2016

UFC Home Workout Program DVD's That Professional Athletes Use
The UFC Fit Workout DVD the Ultimate Weight Loss and Exercise Videos are designed to give you fitness options that pros use all the time. You get 12 workout dvd's ,12 week workout tracker, and a 132 page lifestyle and nutrition manual.

That is packing a lot into this program! It is a high intensity interval training program. The workouts themselves are not real long so you won't get exhausted.

This UFC workout program is a GREAT place to start your fitness and weight loss workouts for this year. As a plus, they also have a 3 Day Shred workout desingined for fast weight loss. Get into the program now!

 Thanks For Reading,