Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Motivation In Your Fitness Workouts Is Tough For Some People To Keep Up

Staying Motivated In Your Fitness Workouts Is Tough For Some People


I can tell you from experience that staying motivated to do any exercise or fitness routine daily is very hard. You can get bored with
it and say that skipping a day or 2 is nothing,you maybe don't want to get up early that day,etc. Well, skipping is a bad thing and
it will be twice as hard to do it the next day. This isn't to be misconstrued as a cheat day, those are different. So here are some tips
that should help you stay motivated to get that fit body you desire and keep it.

1. You know your exercise routine makes you feel good:

That is what you need to remember. How proud you are of yourself that you did another day or week or whatever. How you feel bette
 and more alive and healthy for doing it. keep this in the front of your mind because it is great motivation to continue.

2. You can take an R&R if necessary:

There are times you will need a day or 2 of rest and to get away from the schedule. You might be sore or hurting a bit or just bored
 or feel ill. Schedule the R&R. Make it part of your plan and then schedule the day you go back to the routine refreshed from your break.
Then stick to the schedule. you can still eat healthy while on this break. It hopefully will invigorate you.

3. Workout with a friend or 2 sometimes:

Getting your workout in at the gym by yourself all the time can get tedious, I admit. Maybe you have a friend that would like
 to join you. It is great to have a workout partner and someone to talk to on breaks. maybe have a little friendly competition
 or a friendly wager on number of reps or weight or something. this will help keep it fresh for you and looking forward to working out.

4. Vary your workout routines:

You shouldn't do the same workouts the same days of the week day after day. For example: arms and shoulders
on Monday, legs and lower body on Tuesday, etc. This would bore even the dullest person. Set up routines weeks in
advance that changes routines from one day to the next. There are always exercise routines you like better than
others so having them on different days keeps it fresh.

5. An Exercise journal is great also:

I mentioned in another article about the importance of keeping a journal of your workouts and progress at least weekly.
This a great motivation tool if you see that maybe you lost 3 pounds this week, can I do better next week? Or maybe my
waist is looking more like a 6 pack this week than last. The girls will love it! I will do better this week. Whatever trips your trigger and
excites you about your gains will motivate you to continue.

6. Maybe a team sport occasionally:

Maybe instead of lifting and cardio, etc. by yourself, you can organize some buddies for a mens basketball night, or tennis night
or even touch football. Whatever team sport will give you a good workout and you enjoy. I enjoy racquetball for one and table tennis
for another. You say table tennis? What kind of workout is that? you haven't played with some of the guys I have. it is a workout.
We get 8 guys and just keep playing round robin where the winner plays until he loses. Great fun and a great workout.

There are 6 ways to keep yourself motivated. There are many ways to do it, but the point is, find some that work for you.
You can miss a day or 2 here and there but don't just quit.You will be happy you stayed the course.

Thanks For Reading,

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